The truth is, our moms never taught us how to declutter and organize.
Sure, they taught us how to clean a toilet and wash dishes and do the laundry.
Many of our parents grew up during the Great Depression, or World War II. They experienced poverty, rations, and constant stress.
Throwing anything away was a sin, because you might need that thing–no matter how small it was–to live.
Once the economic situation improved, those habits of skimping and saving and hoarding were already deeply ingrained.
And they passed that scarcity mindset, along with the guilt of “wasting things” onto us.
They didn’t do it on purpose. They were just trying to survive. But we adopted the same mindset, which has caused us to surround ourselves with a cloud of clutter and guilt.
Numerous studies have shown that clutter causes stress, and stress leads to anxiety, depression, weight gain, and sickness.
Before working with me, most women think that decluttering their homes will involve hours and hours and hours of painful “letting go.”
They feel completely overwhelmed and hopeless–immobilized by all the chaos they see everywhere.
So instead of taking action, they close the door, leave the house, read a book, or watch Netflix–anything to pretend that the problem doesn’t exist.
But it’s always there in the back of their minds–that nagging feeling that they should be doing something about all the clutter.
“You think you’re going on a three-hour hike for fun? You want to go to the coast with your friends? No way! You need to be at home getting work done!”
Can you relate?
You actually CAN declutter and organize your home, and keep it that way for good…
But not by doing what you’ve been doing. (Afterall, if your current efforts to declutter and organize were working, you wouldn’t be here reading this page!)
I know you’ve already bought the books on home organization (which you may or may not have read).
I know you’ve been inspired by those shows about decluttering and organizing. (But it’s so much easier to keep watching episodes of Tidying Up than to actually tidy up).
Maybe you’ve even been given an organizing program by a well-meaning friend or family member. But my guess is, you haven’t even looked at it. (Or maybe you have, but it all seemed too complicated and like too much work).
You feel too overwhelmed, too tired, and too confused. You’re so sick of the mess, and you desperately want to declutter your home, but you just don’t know HOW.
Am I right?
You just need three things to declutter and organize your home for good, AND to make it a joyful, rewarding experience:
I bet you’ve decluttered before. And you’ve been frustrated that after all your hard work, the clutter has just returned, as if you hadn’t done a thing. You wonder why you even bother.
Here’s the truth. Until you change the way your brain works, you’re doomed to repeat this cycle. Unless you get rid of your fears and emotional attachments, and address the deep-seated beliefs that have been there since childhood, clutter will be your constant companion.
There are specific skills you need to declutter and organize. Skills like knowing how to choose what to keep and what to get rid of, without going through a huge decision matrix or flowchart.
You’ll need to know how to properly fold and how to store, which order to go in so you don’t get overwhelmed and give up, and the not-so-intuitive methods that will have you saying, “Why didn’t I think of that?“
You might be thinking, “I don’t need a coach! I can declutter my house on my own!” Let me ask you–how has that worked out for you so far?
It’s o.k. to ask for help. In fact, when you understand that you’re 95% more likely to have success when you work with a coach, you’ll be begging to get one. Since having a coach is the key to getting your home decluttered once and for all, it’s one of those “no-brainer” moves.
You’re on vacation, or a fun outing, and your mind is fully engaged with your loved ones. You don’t have that nagging feeling at the back of your mind that you should have stayed home and cleaned instead.
You come home from a long day at work. Instead of being met at the door by a blinding collection of clutter, you fix yourself a cup of tea and relax in your favorite chair in a room you’ve designed to be beautiful, cozy, and restful.
Yes, you spent a little time tidying before they arrived, but you didn’t have to hide stacks of papers, or hurriedly shove things in closets. You’re actually excited when the doorbell rings, and can’t wait to invite your friends into your home.
One of the first decisions we make each day is what to wear. But when you are faced with a closet full of clothes you don’t love, that can be the hardest decision of the day. This sets you up for frustration and getting off on the wrong foot first thing in the morning! This is no way to live your life!
Instead, let’s create a closet full of clothes you love, so that no matter what you choose, you’ll look and feel great, every single day!
You may not have hundreds of pairs of shoes, but you might have a lot more than you need. Same thing goes for your purses, bags, and jewelry. Let’s add in old wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, sports clothing, swimsuits and more, and you have a recipe for an exploding closet! Time to take care of this impending disaster!
Between cleaning supplies, expired medicines, old makeup, and lotions you never use and other miscellaneous bathroom and laundry supplies, you may be unwittingly holding onto chemical products that don’t need to be in your home.
It’s time to create your “Love Library” filled with only the books you love. No more bookshelves full of books you’ve forgotten about and don’t care about. Let those books be enjoyed by someone else! Just like every person is not meant to be your friend, every book is not meant to be in your home.
Paper sneaks its way into your home almost every day. Between the mail, newspaper, catalogs, school papers, and things you print at home, you probably have the equivalent of a giant redwood in your house. Let’s save your home and save the planet, all at the same time.
You are going to be shocked by the number of old electronics and broken cords you have in your home. Yes, it’s time to take a trip to the basement and the electronics graveyard. Grieve for your old VCR players if you must, but then let them go.
Cooking is so much more enjoyable when your counters aren’t covered with clutter, and when your pantry doesn’t look like a war zone. You’ve collected way more kitchen gadgets than you need, and they are just stealing your joy and making it difficult to find what you need. It’s time to create the kitchen you and your family deserve!
We’ve all got them. Pillows and blankets and comforters that haven’t seen the light of day in years. I have sad news for you.
They died.
The good news is, you can get rid of them and free up valuable space in your closets! And all those stringy towels–time to bid them farewell. Your wet shower legs will thank you.
You have piles of trinkets, stuffed animals, gifts, jewelry, school programs, and every other random thing you held onto “just because.” Now it’s time to discover a reason for keeping all those things. Because if something doesn’t really matter, why should it get to stay in your home?
I still remember the day as a third grade teacher when I returned from an absence to find that my substitute had cleaned and organized my desk, bought me stacking file boxes, and had labeled everything. I was embarrassed and a little offended! How dare she just take over my stuff? The truth was, I knew my desk was a disaster, but I didn’t have a clue about how to keep it clean.
Fast forward 20 years where instead of just a messy desk, I now had a messy home with enough junk to fill a 40-foot semi truck! That’s not an exaggeration. That’s actually what it took to hold all of our stuff the last time we moved. When I found myself secretly wishing that the truck would catch on fire and all our stuff would burn so I wouldn’t have to move it into our new house, I knew I had a problem!
From that moment on, I became obsessed with organizing. I read all the books. I read all the articles. I sorted through endless tips and tricks. I found some good advice, and some bad advice. In the end, I completely decluttered and organized my whole home. It was invigorating!
I wanted to share everything I’d learned! But then I had a thought: What if the things that worked for me don’t work for other people? What if their personalities need different strategies?
That’s when my HOME Girl Organizing Experience was born. I took all my years of studying psychology and personality types, along with the knowledge gained through my certifications in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Positive Psychology, and created a one-of-a-kind program that helps you maximize your innate gifts and talents as you declutter and organize your home.
You won’t find anything else like it. A program created just for you, that GETS you. And support from a Therapeutic Home Organizing Coach who truly understands what it’s like to be in your shoes.
I’ve interviewed Cory Chalmers, star of the T.V. show Hoarders, taught my organizing methods to packed classes at BYU-Idaho, and my organizing advice has been featured on BuzzFeed. But that stuff doesn’t really matter. What matters is that I am 100% confident YOU can declutter your home, once and for all when you join the HOME Girl Organizing Experience and become a HOME Girl!
The HOME Girl Organizing Experience may not be cheap, but it is 100% effective. It’s not some $49 a month membership program, or a $99 a year newsletter subscription.
It’s a small investment in yourself that pays huge dividends for the rest of your life.
It’s a transformation that frees you from the burden of clutter both in your home, and in your mind. It opens up the way for you to live up to your fullest potential.
Just imagine what you can do when you are no longer living in a stressful environment. No longer feeling overwhelmed, confused, and unmotivated.
You could hire a professional organizer to come to your home. But what most people don’t realize is that professional organizers are expensive! It would cost between $500 and $800 for just one eight-hour day! And after you’ve spent all that money, statistics show that your home has a 95% chance of just going back the way it was.
That is NO GOOD for you!
I’m committed to giving you all the tools, skills, and help you need for as long as you need it to get your home decluttered, once and for all. You’ll get lifetime access to all the training, plus lifetime access to ME for support and coaching.
You simply will not find this level of involvement and support anywhere else.
The truth is, I could charge you less, but then I’d have to give you less, and I just can’t do that.
The HOME Girl Organizing Experience is a $997 investment. At that price, it’s a no-brainer. Why? Because for the same cost as having a professional organizer for 1-2 days, you are getting a Therapeutic Home Organizing Coach for LIFE.
But because I’m committed to helping as many women as possible declutter and organize their homes (and change their lives), when you join, you don’t have to pay the full $997!
For the next few days, you can join for just six installments of $97!
If you want to save even more money ($85 to be exact), you can make a single payment of just $497!
(Get started today for just $97!)
Click here to save $85 when you pay in full!
The HOME Girl Organizing Experience comes with a six month 100% money back guarantee.
I promise that if you do the work, you’ll experience a profound change in your life. Not only will your home be clutter-free, but your mental and physical health will improve, your stress will decrease, you’ll love your family more, and you’ll gain new insights and power you never knew you had!
But you do have to do the work!
It wouldn’t be fair to you (or me) if you just bought the program, didn’t log in or take any action, and then asked for your money back, right? That’s why I ask for proof of effort before I’ll offer a refund. That means I’ll need to see that you’ve checked off tasks inside the program, and I’ll need to see before and after pictures from your home.
If you’re fully committed, this is one of the most generous guarantees you’ll ever get!
Most programs only offer a 14-day, or 30-day guarantee. But I’m giving you SIX FULL MONTHS to go through all the trainings, download all the materials, and put into practice everything you’ve learned and prove to yourself that you really will get the results I’m promising.
After all that, if you complete the program and show me you did the work, but you’re not absolutely amazed by the change in your home…
Or your house has reverted back to a cluttered mess…
Simply email me at melissa (at) and I’ll happily refund your money. If that’s not fair, I don’t know what is.
(So if your husband is skeptical and is worried about you spending all this money, let him know that you will get it all back if the program doesn’t work for you!)
(Valued at $3,389)
Designed to Speed Up Your Progress, Rewire Your Brain for Success, and Simplify Your Decluttering and Organizing Process!
You have photographs dying in acid-lined albums and boxes in the basement or attic, don’t you? What a shame! It’s time to save those pictures (but only the best ones!) so that your children and grandchildren can enjoy them.
But not every picture deserves to be saved. This is true for both physical and digital images.
If you’re swimming in thousands of pictures from your phone, computer, and albums, The Real Story of Your Life will help you create a beautiful “art gallery” that represents all the most cherished experiences and memories that you have.
Organizing your kitchen will pay huge dividends in your enjoyment of your food and your family.
It starts with having a beautifully arranged pantry where you can easily find whatever you need. No more wasting time searching for ingredients.
And if you’re like most women, you don’t have a lot of time to be slaving over a hot stove, either. Thinking of what to make for dinner, not to mention actually making it, is not something you want to spend a lot of time on.
I created the Kitchen Nirvana collection to help you get back some precious time in your day, while still getting nutritious meals on the table
I took a select group of women through my entire HOME Girl Organizing Experience in just six weeks. Luckily for you, I recorded everything and saved all the materials from this super-charged experience!
So if you’re ready to go and want to get your home decluttered and organized as quickly as possible, the HOME Girl Organizing Experience Accelerated is just the ticket!
It’s been said that your home is a reflection of your mind. If that’s true, then it’s just as important to declutter your mind as it is to declutter your home.
In fact, if you don’t change your brain, you’ll be stuck in the same pattern where you clean and declutter, but things always return to the way they were before.
It’s time to leave that recurring nightmare in the past.
How many times have you said, “I just don’t feel motivated.”
Here’s the truth: Motivation is not a mysterious feeling that comes and goes.
Motivation is created by action, excitement, and encouragement. And this Motivation Mastery Collection is going to give you all three!
And if all of it seems a little overwhelming, believe me…
It’s not.
I created the HOME Girl Organizing Experience to eliminate overwhelm–not create more.
It’s designed to make your journey from “cluttered chaos” to “peaceful haven” easy and fun!
First of all, the materials and trainings are all housed on an amazing platform that is super easy to navigate, gives you points for your accomplishments, and keeps track of where you are.
Every training and decluttering task is broken down into bite-sized chunks averaging less than 20 minutes each. You won’t get stuck watching hours and hours of videos that will suck up all your time! (Plus, you can watch them on double-speed if you want!)
Most importantly, you’ll be changing your mindset and getting the clutter out of your head so that you can declutter your whole home once, and never have to do it again!
The first choice is to choose to do nothing. And as you already know, if you choose nothing–then nothing changes. Or in the case of clutter, you can choose to ignore it while it keeps growing and growing inside your home.
BUT, if you already know that you want to declutter and organize your home so that you can reduce stress, invite friends over, enjoy your life without that constant nagging feeling that you “should be” cleaning up, and finally have some peace, then the choice is obvious: join me and all the other HOME Girls inside the HOME Girl Organizing Experience and start transforming your home, your mind, and your life!
So, you can choose to avoid the problem altogether and hope that it will magically go away. (It won’t).
OR, you can get 100% committed and do something about it!
Simply click the button below, and I’ll be waiting to welcome you on the inside!
This 50% discount off the regular price of $997 is only being offered for a few short days. If you wait, you’ll lose your chance to get this incredible value-packed HOME Girl Organizing Experience for such a low price. That means that NOW is the best time to get started!
You have LIFETIME ACCESS to all the trainings, materials, and to ME as your Therapeutic Home Organizing Coach! So even if you can’t start right away, join the program now so you don’t miss your chance!
(Get started today for just $97!)
Click here to save $85 when you pay in full!
The fact that you’re on this page means that you KNOW you need a program like The HOME Girl Organizing Experience to get your home in order. It also means that you haven’t yet found the solution to your clutter problem, or you wouldn’t be here now, right?
If this applies to you, what you’re about to read is the most important thing you’ll ever read about decluttering your home.
If you want to join the HOME Girl Organizing Experience, but you think you can’t afford it, you need it most of all.
Consider that one of the reasons you may not think you can afford it is because of your “scarcity” mindset. This is the very same mindset that has caused you to collect and hold onto clutter! This subconscious programming is what’s been keeping you trapped, and you didn’t even know it until I just pointed it out!
You have to ask yourself this one vital question that will determine whether you stay trapped in clutter or whether you create the peaceful, organized home you’ve been wanting for so long. This one question is:
“Am I going to be 100% responsible for decluttering and organizing my home, or am I not?”
It’s true that your home got cluttered up by accident and that it wasn’t your fault (at least not consciously).
But when you spill a glass of milk, you’re still responsible for cleaning it up, even though it was an accident, right?
So are you going to take charge right now and do something about the “spilled milk,” or are you going to just let it sit there while you walk around it, avoid it, and pretend it’s not there?
If you’re truly going to be 100% responsible for your home (which doesn’t mean your husband and kids are off the hook, by the way–I teach you how to deal with them inside the program), the question is no longer “Can I afford it?”
Now the question is, “HOW do I be 100% responsible and MAKE this happen?”
If you’re going to stop here and do nothing, do you know what that means? It means you won’t stretch yourself out of your comfort zone. It means you’re driven by fear. It means you’re going to keep struggling with the stress and shame (not to mention all the negative mental and physical health problems) caused by clutter.
That’s not the kind of person you are, is it?
Which is actually MORE costly? Investing $497 in yourself now, or living with clutter for the rest of your life?
So let’s go back to what I said was the most important question you could ask yourself.
Are you going to be 100% responsible for doing YOUR part to declutter and organize your home, once and for all?
If you are, then right now is the time to get enrolled in the HOME Girl Organizing Experience.
(Get started today for just $97!)
Click here to save $85 when you pay in full!
Great! That means you’re serious about making this commitment!
Here are the answers to the questions you may have been asking while you’ve been considering joining the HOME Girl Organizing Experience.
If there’s still something else you need to know that isn’t addressed here, just email me at melissa (at) and I’ll get right back to you!
Just click on each question to reveal the answer.
Sure! If you want to do it the long, hard way and then have your home revert to clutter. I’ve spent years reading all the books, trying out the Pinterest “tips and tricks,” and doing things the hard way in my own home so you don’t have to!
The simple fact of the matter is that you have a 95% chance of success when you have a coach and accountability partner. It doesn’t make sense to try to do it on your own when all this help is available to you!
Before women join my program, they tell me that they tried to read books and do it on their own, but it was too hard to keep up, too hard to motivate themselves, and too complicated. You need a clear, simple, linear process with coaching and accountability. Then you can’t help but succeed!
The women who join the HOME Girl Organizing Experience have hope for something better in their lives, and they’re willing to work for it. They have positive attitudes, are open-minded, and willing to share their own discoveries. They have giving hearts and know that they are meant to make a positive impact in their homes, communities, and the world. If that sounds like you, then join us!
It’s true. There is a LOT of material I’ve prepared for you! I just wanted to make sure that you had EVERYTHING you needed to create the home of your dreams.
But going through the experience is easy and fits into your schedule. Each module has a short training video, and usually supplemental videos demonstrating decluttering and organizing skills you can use in your home.
I’ve made day-by-day calendars that help you declutter your home in three months, but you have lifetime access to all the materials, so you can go at your own pace.
Once you enroll, you’ll be taken immediately to the online platform where all the materials and trainings are located. You’ll also receive a welcome email with your login information.
You can go ahead and get started right away! Everything is beautifully and simply laid out and super easy to navigate.
The first thing you’ll do is join our private Facebook Group, where you’ll get a great big welcome to start you on your journey!
Simply put, the refund policy for the program is the longest and most generous in the industry.
Instead of just 14 or 30 days, you get six full months (180 days) to prove to yourself that the program works, or you get your money back.
In order to request a refund, you’ll need to complete the nine main training modules and check off that you’ve completed each assignment. You’ll also need to take “before” and “after” pictures as prescribed in each module and be able to show those to me.
But if you’ve done all that and aren’t super excited about all the changes in your home, or everything gets cluttered up again, then that means I haven’t done my job, and you deserve a refund.
(Just so you know, nobody who has done the work has ever asked for a refund. They’re way too happy about the new look and feel of their homes).
Yes! I am always available through email, and you can get help in our super supportive private HOME Girls Facebook Group. Any questions are usually answered within 24 hours, if not the same day.
Nope! As long as you have three large baskets (like laundry baskets) boxes, or bins for sorting, you are good to go!
I do recommend some optional products you can purchase if you like, but it’s totally up to you. Most people can use boxes they already have in their homes (like shoeboxes) to be fantastic organizing containers.
If you don’t have time to declutter and organize, then you need this program more than you know! Lack of time is not the problem–it’s the symptom caused by the clutter and disorganization in your home and your life.
When you get clear and committed to making this change in your home, you find the time to make it happen.
And remember, you have lifetime access to everything, so if you’ve got a big event coming up or you’re dealing with a major life change, no worries! Everything will be here for you, whenever you need it.
I understand that you are not the cause of ALL of the clutter in your home, and that you’d like your other family members to pitch in, right?
Here’s the beauty of this program. You will discover that you have much more control over things in your home than you thought.
You’ll also learn strategies to deal with messes caused by other people (and no, they don’t involve doing everything yourself!)
The person you most want to focus on is yourself. Many women have told me that their children and husband get on board after seeing the positive changes in their home.
Your example is going to bless your family, and you’re going to feel such huge relief, no matter what others do.
Most of the women in the program are between the ages of 40 and 75. Even if you’re older than this, it’s never too late!
The only way you’ll know is to try. I’m convinced the HOME Girl Organizing Experience can help every type of woman.
However, if you are the kind of person who is skeptical, has a bad attitude, or is constantly negative, you may want to pass on this opportunity until you have a more open heart.
You do also need to be able to physically do things, like move and open boxes, get things out of cupboards and the like. If you can do general housework, then you can also do the decluttering and organizing tasks in the program.
Kristie, one of our HOME Girls, wondered the same thing. She told me, “I was thinking that maybe I need to wait and try this later in my life, but then I thought, ‘Why not now?'”
The clutter in your home is only going to get worse–not better. It’s like a leaky pipe, pouring water into your home. Do you want to fix that now, or later?
Waiting won’t help. Waiting will only make things worse. (Plus, after the timer runs out on this page, you’ll have to pay the regular price of $997).
Let me ask you a question. Do you wear the same size shoe as your husband, daughter, or friend? Of course not! They wouldn’t fit you!
All the other “one-size-fits-all” organizing programs will be as ill-fitting as those shoes that are too big, too small, or too tight.
But in the HOME Girl Organizing Experience, you get to find out YOUR unique organizing type, and get strategies that align with your strengths. From how you get motivated, to how to manage your time, how to best involve family members and more, no other program has this type of personalization.
As someone who is trained and certified in both Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Positive Psychology, I’m uniquely qualified to help you remove the clutter from your mind, as well as from your home. This is the key to keeping clutter from returning.
No other program offers the depth, breadth, and personalization like the HOME Girl Organizing Experience. Try it, and you’ll see!
Ah yes–the fear of success. I know it well.
Subconsciously, you may be worried about what will happen once your home is all clean and clutter-free.
Will you feel bad that you wasted so much time letting it be disorganized?
Will you regret having wasted so much money on things you don’t really need?
Will you be scared about all the possibilities now open to you?
Recently, I went through my own “mid-life crisis.” A friend came over and asked how I was. I told her that I was in the midst of this crisis, and her response totally caught me off-guard.
She said, “That’s great! Now you get to be whoever you want to be!”
It totally shifted my perspective, and I realized she was right!
So instead of being scared about what might happen when you join the program, why not be excited? Afterall, you get to be whoever you want to be!
Learn the skills to declutter and organize every area of your home and how to keep it clutter-free and organized forever.
Finally know the best way to organize for YOU with your custom profile and strategies .
Get access to the calendars for each HOME Girl Organizing Type. Just follow the day-by-day plan so you'll always know exactly what to do.
Save and display your most precious memories so that you leave a lasting legacy for your family.
Weekly meal plans, printable pantry labels, and the best kitchen organizing products so you can truly enjoy your time in the kitchen.
Get your home organized in half the time by following this special plan with extra training videos and materials.
Make new neural pathways in your brain that lead to order and peace. You must declutter your head to declutter your home.
A lifetime of coaching, encouragement and support so that your success is all but guaranteed.
This is 90% off the total value of the HOME Girl Organizing Experience! But this incredible deal won’t last for long. When the timer runs out, your luck runs out!
(Get started today for just $97!)
Click here to save $85 when you pay in full!
All results are entirely dependent upon your efforts.